Monday, July 19, 2010

"the best camera is the one that's with you"

chase jarvis said that. which i'm guessing most internet-friendly folk would know, but it's worth a repeat, especially here on this blog where the population of cell phone pictures has been flagging off late. what has caused me to stop seeing photograph-worthy things around me? evidently, with everything that's been going on the past couple months, i've been spending far more much time looking inside my head  than outside it. [proof: i spent over a month in himachal pradesh amidst gorgeous himalayan baby ranges and never even took my camera out of my bag.] it's a good/necessary experience, one i'd recommend to anyone, but it's time to start looking outwards again. so if only as a reminder to myself, these links you're probably already familiar with: chase jarvis' iphone photos portfolio and live feed from his iphone photo app.

in the spirit, past cell phone photos on this blog here... and hopefully more to come.

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